Tuesday, August 27, 2013

A 'Broken Social' and Still, Peace

       The other day, my husband and I were talking about how Lyme has affected me. Many of you know me as a completely extraverted chick who is completely in love with life and people. I usually get filled by being around people...constantly. I'm a social butterfly who can't stand being stuck at home for several days in a row. I'm a 'go getter' who is always up for a challenge; always up for learning and intellectual development. I absolutely love caring for those around me and I enjoy making people happy, comfortable, and feeling special. However, to my dismay, my extraverted self seems to have taken a hit! As Mark and I discussed several things, Mark said to me "I think your social is broken"! I couldn't agree more.

       These last several weeks, probably months, have been difficult for me. Going out with friends is still very fun, but I find myself completely exhausted by the end of a short outing. Taking part in activities that cause me to have to use my already exhausted brain leave me embarrassed when I can't keep up in board games or in situations where I am supposed to be concentrating or remembering multiple rules. Being physically active kills my already pained and fatigued body. I seem to have become boring. I'm boring to hang out with these days and I am exhausted when I do it. Don't get me wrong, I still have a ton of fun with friends, but most times I seem to relate more to the ninety year old grandma than my peers. I could handle you coming over for tea and chatting, but don't make me work too hard! :) So, please, forgive me when I turn down your invitations to do exciting things over the weekend. Forgive me, friends, when I seem like I am no longer interested in hanging out on a regular basis. I am, I just sometimes can't.

       To explain the fatigue I often feel is nearly impossible. It's something I am beyond frustrated about. I just can't seem to be myself, no matter how hard I try. All I want to do is sleep and I do sleep...a lot. Some, in fact, may think I am just being lazy, but a nap has become necessary for my functioning. Good thing I get to nap when the baby I nanny naps if need be! This is a far cry from the Kaitlyn I have always been. I get stressed out these days over the silliest things, and my mind can easily go a little crazy with all the thoughts I have rumbling around in there. I find myself stressed about finances for covering the bills that my health insurance doesn't cover. I stress about what others think about me and if they are perceiving me as lazy. I stress about being a good friend in a time when I seem to need friends to help me more than I can help in return. Each day is a fight to remember that this too will pass and one day, hopefully soon, I will be completely well again. this journey is exhausting!

       Even in the midst of this craziness...in the midst of my worry and concerns for the future or my crazy thoughts that can easily take over if I let them, I have found peace. For several days, I have been listening to this beautiful song written by a dear friend, Becky Smith. The song is one that is much like a prayer. The chorus goes something like this:
Let Your rain of tenderness fall fresh on me
Jesus, let Your unfailing love completely surround me
And I will stand in hope as I wait for You, Lord
Let Your peace, come over me
Let Your peace, come over me
        Ah, how beautiful, isn't it? This has become my daily prayer. Even in the middle of this trial and even as I cannot function like I know I can when I am healthy, His peace can still cover me. I don't know what this disease means for me. I don't know if I will come through this relapse and never deal with a relapse again. I don't know if I will be sick for the next year and every five years after that, until I leave this earth. I have no idea if my insurance company will continue to cover my illness. I cannot be sure how this will affect my family in the future. I don't know anything for certain, but I do know that when I ask for His peace, He will not leave me void. I don't know when I will be feeling 'normal' again, or when my 'social' will no longer seem 'broken' or when I will have my energy and extraversion back, but I do know that I can still have peace in the midst of difficult times. Join me, friends, in letting His peace come over you. Let His unfailing love completely surround you. Wait for Him, and I promise, He will not leave you without His presence and tenderness all around you. He can give you peace.

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