Friday, December 28, 2012

Like a Little Child

       As many of you know, I am currently working as a nanny as I work my way through graduate school and achieve my MA in Counseling. No doubt, my future does not consist of extended nannying years, but it will surely still be filled with children. Granted, my job now, is one in which there is joy, happiness, playing, laughing, and complete love of life. However, in the future, I will be dealing with children who have lost that sort of flame for life; the least of these who need something to bring them joy once again. But that's an entirely different post. What I want to focus on in this post is how awesome kids really are. In order to protect the identity of the little girl I nanny, and her family, I've decided to call this little sweetheart (no, there will be no photos of her either), Eve.

       Let me just tell you, Eve is one happy child. At just under two years old, I have never met a more happy child in my life. I arrive early in the morning, approximately 7:30AM, and each morning Eve greets me with the biggest smile I've ever seen. For several minutes I get the 'scoop' on what's for lunch or what time Eve woke in the morning or if she has been spitting her breakfast out or actually ingesting it. She patiently waits as mom goes over the logistics, but the moment little Eve's mom leaves the home, it is serious playtime for us! Okay, some days she's more in the mood for cuddling up and being tickled and other days she's totally ready to hit the ground running - literally - and I chase after her playfully as she squeals and shrieks with complete joy...but there's one thing for sure, lots of laughter is always on the menu.
       One of the coolest things I've had the privilege of witnessing is Eve's growth. Yes, she has certainly physically grown in the short five months that I have worked for this lovely family, every single day is full of discovery and adventure. Just this morning, as I work hard to develop Eve's language skills, she picked up a Mickey Mouse coloring book, began turning the pages rapidly and yelling 'Mickey! Mickey! Mickey!' at every page that had an image of her superstar. I was elated. For so long I've been saying 'Mickey' for her and today she decided it would be a great thing to say. How completely precious! I am completely amazed at who this little girl is becoming and at what is happening in her little brain. Neural connections are happening daily and so quickly I can hardly believe the progress she makes each day. She's a smart little lady, that's for sure!
       What speaks to me the most about children, and particularly Eve, is the joy they each exude. I'm sure this isn't the truth for each and every child around the world, but I would be willing to bet most children are joyous. Eve is nearly two and she has taught me, some of the most beautiful lessons about life and has reminded me of some important things. When I look at Eve, I am reminded that I can approach life a lot of ways, but when I approach it with joy and happiness, I will find beauty in the things around me. Kids are so happy with even the smallest things. Eve can entertain herself for hours with just a small trinket. While out on a walk on warm fall afternoons, the sight of a brightly colored flower is enough to overload her little mind with awe and excitement. I've decided, if adults were more like Eve in these ways, this world would be a much kinder and happier place to live!
       If I'm being honest, there are days when Eve has a bit of an attitude, but those are few and far between. However, when they do come and I need to spend a few moments scolding her and keeping her from doing something she wants to do because it could be harmful, she instantly forgives me for being stern and taking away the fun she thought she was going to have. Granted, I'm certainly not harsh with Eve. When I have to correct her I am still gentle. Eve is forgiving. Kids are usually quick to forgive. I wonder what life would be like if we were able to forgive like that. Wouldn't that be so freeing?
       Along with her joy and forgiving heart, Eve is highly affectionate. She loves to cuddle. 'Love' is probably not a strong enough word to express how much this child loves to show affection. There is nothing more adorable and precious than when she curls up on my lap to take a nap and she puts her head on my chest and holds my hand as she drifts off to her deep slumber. I swear she can't fall asleep without holding my hand.  I don't know how someone couldn't absolutely melt when experiencing such a heartwarming affection. It's just as heartwarming when she comes and randomly gives me hugs and kisses while we are playing. Eve knows the meaning of loving those around her who care for her and who love her back. How often we forget these things and forget to tell those around us that we care about them, even through a simple hug. Children understand love, and before their thoughts about it are all messed up and marred, they know how to naturally show it to those they love and those who love them as well. I think there's something to learn.
       Have you ever stopped and watched a child and thought 'Wouldn't it be nice if the whole world had their joy, their awe, their love, their forgiveness...I do. I think this every single day I spend with Eve and I strive to live like her in some ways. I want to be a person who has great joy in life and awe for the simplest things around me. I want to love and forgive. There's something to being childlike, and I for one don't ever want to grow up. Let children be a reminder of these things to us, daily.

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